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Topics related to the city of Madison.

City Budget Process Needs You

Ok, I'm not as excited as I used to be after taking that silly survey . . . but don't let that prevent you from taking the survey or attending these meetings. I plan to attend at least 2 of them.

Kudos to the Clerk’s Office and EOD!

Consider me impressed!

How to Count the Votes!

It's the first thing every elected official should learn. Tonight's council agenda, just like last week's county board agenda were the subject of some special rules. Here's the ones for tonight

Don’t Forget to Vote Today!

I'm not sure who I'm am supporting yet! But, please vote! Maybe even twice! :) The City Clerk’s office will hold a...

Budget Reflects our Values?

Yesterday I tried to speak to the common council about how a budget is allegedly a reflection of our values, and I had concerns that this budget is all about the Overture and Edgewater and not what struggling people in the community need. I asked if that really reflected our values, a luxury hotel and high end arts facility. I wasn't that articulate, I was tired and burned out and emotional about it after working too many hours listening to people's stories with so few answers. Fortunately, Heidi Wegleitner said it much, much better than I, so . . . um, what she said.

City 5 year Parks and Open Space Plan

I feel like I've been in the dark. I've gotten at least 15 emails in the last few months on the county parks and open space plan, but didn't realize the city is getting ready to pass theirs too. They asked for input last February, but I haven't heard anything much beyond that until last night, and I'm not sure I liked what I heard.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Round Up

Bad blogging week for me, internet and webhosting issues - so here's the round up that has a little older news included.

This is a Crazy TIF Deal

If the TIF boundary change isn't accepted, the city will go ahead with a TIF-like deal for a project not in a TIF district. They'll still "pay back" the "loan" with their taxes.

Council Meeting and Wed – Fri City Week Ahead

Ok, here's the rest of it. They added several meetings yesterday, so it got a little longer.

Do you really believe this?

I've been sitting on this since last Friday. Partially because it is so unbelievable, but also because I was just swamped with things to blog - there is so much more going on that I also have blog materials for - but this one is just amazing. Just when you need one of those damn police video cameras . . . it wasn't working?

City Week Ahead

Another shorter week.

4 pages of supplemental info for Council Agenda Tonight

Absurd. Get it together.