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Topics related to the city of Madison.

D. A. Complaint that was Filed on Open Meetings Violation

Here's a copy of the complaint. It names Jeff Fitzgerald, Scott Fitzgerald, Mike Ellis, Scott Suder and Doug LaFollette as defendants. And, it asks to find them in violation and make their action void.

Board of Estimates Recap

Police department overruns on the training facility take up most of the time . . . and probably will again at the council.

Business to Cozy up to Local Elected Officials

City Council and County Board schmoozefests planned. Sponsored by DMI, the Chamber, the Convention & Visitors Bureau, and Smart Growth Greater Madison -...

Drug Sniffing Dogs in our Schools?

Could be . . . have an opinion, take the survey! It'll only take a minute - seriously. Do you support the use of...

Short (City) Week Ahead

Rosh Hashanah and last week of the month have combined to make for very few meetings this week.

Short Council Meeting tonight!

What do they want to talk about . . . mostly nuthin. These are the items that are separated "for discussion". Proposed Consent Agenda Exclusions Please note...

Oddest Budget Moment – Joe McCarthy Appearance?

It was Thuy-like.

It might be too soon but . . .

If you were confused about Madison Prep and feeling a little liberal white guilt about not supporting it, well, there is good reason for the confusion (you'll have to decide on the liberal white guilt). But take heart, if you were against, you have the NAACP on your side.

Council Agendas and Others that Popped Up Yesterday

So annoying, why call it a weekly schedule, it should be the "kinda sorta maybe the weekly schedule".

Landlords Indignant About Helping Voters

This amuses me!

Possible Common Council Issue work

They are working on a list of issues that would be their legislative agenda. There is one glaring problem with their current potential...

TIF tiff – Give the companies as much as they want?

Dualing TIF committees and other issues. Yeah, live blogged again. This is the EDC subcommittee on TIF. For the geeks, and...