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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Tomorrow Noon: Responding to the ENTIRE Walker Agenda

In the first mass rally organized to respond to the entire Walker agenda . . . WE ARE WISCONSIN! RALLY Saturday, March 5th ~ Noon to...

Madison is “Open for Business!”

Yeah, that was proclaimed loud and clear by a local Downtown Business Leader at the Plan Commission. No, not before Walker was elected, but just last night.

Weekend and Monday’s Capitol Events

Monday is the anniversary of when Dr. Martin Luther King got shot, so the unions are pulling out the stops and wanting to get everyone to the capitol in a Memphis to Madison rally. Here's the events they are promoting. And some others I think are of interest. And please, ask your favorite local candidate what kind of help they need this weekend, Monday and Tuesday as they struggle to get the word about about their candidacy with all these distractions.

Parisi To Resign on Thursday!

From the Assembly! (Not County Executive!) There are already several people running for his seat and more jumping in.

Tenant Resource Center Reduces Services in the Face of Dwindling Resources

This is the blog post/press release I've been dreading for about 2 years, we knew the day was coming . . .

Report/Thoughts on 2nd Budget Conversation

This one went a little smoother, but . . . there is still room for improvement and with the changes, the final results will be skewed.

Operating Budget – Part II

Part I is here. Here's more of what the departments are proposing.

More Changes to the City-County Building Policies

I'm not sure this was voted on by the City-County Liaison Committee. Parts of it may have been, parts of it have not been as far as I know.

First Part of Budget Discussions – Operating Budget Amendments

The second half was more interesting to me, but I had to go to the County Budget hearing. Which I hope to get to later, but I was kicked out of my media seat because I testified for 5 minutes, even tho I spent two hours there taking notes. Not sure I'll blog it as a result because my notes are not very good.

Neighborhood Meeting on the Rushed Through Project

I haven't gotten any notifications from my alder about this (go figure), but the neighborhood association has now sent me two notices. Of course, its not my neighborhood association, they are just good neighbors.

Pathetic Round Up

This is kinda why I stopped, there just isn't much . . .

Green Party Looking for True Progressive Candidate to Challenge Walker

You can call it being a spoiler if you want, but so far, the choices to challenge Walker are uninspiring.