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Topics related to the city of Madison.

How to “Fix” the Landmarks Ordinance.

The Edgewater folks are paying attention. Are you?

Do we need cashiers in the parking ramps?

I didn't even know this was an option, probably a budget saving measure for the Mayor's budget, which he's first handing out instructions next Tuesday. And the staff will have about a month to come up with a budget that is in compliance.

More Important Library Meetings

In addition to the 4 public input meetings, here's two more of interest.

What is Wrong with the CDA now?

Seriously, wear perfume to a meeting and risk losing your Section 8 assistance?

Plan Commission/Alders Talk about Comprehensive Plan Review

The discussion went on for about an hour . . . and people weren't happy. Mostly, the alders spoke up on behalf of their neighborhoods. Also interesting discussion on how the neighborhood plans and comprehensive plans relate.

Overture Part II, Live Blog

Sorry, was getting too long. Here's part two.

Nick Hart: Three Changes

Perhaps, the most honest answer.

Buses, RTA and Irony.

So precious.

A Word from ACLU on Protesting

ACLU of WI Legal Observers Protect Right to Assemble and Speak

Joanne Kloppenberg Officially Wins!

Press release from the campaign.

Landlords want registration service, no fees

Um, so everyone else should just pay for it? Do they think this stuff just happens for free?

County Board Budget Meetings

Now, more than ever, we need to get creative. But, we can't do that at the expense of the most needy in our community. This is no longer just for budget geeks, this impacts everyone!