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Topics related to the city of Madison.

City Keeps its AAA Bond Rating

Tho CDA, Water Utility and Sewer Utility not quite that high . . .

Love the Lakes!

We all want to . . . so keep your leaves to yourself! Loving the Lakes is Easy Football, chill in the air, kids back...

Brief Common Council Meeting Recap

Sorry, this should have been posted on Wednesday, but I ran out of time and then lost the first version of it. The meeting was a little under two hours and uneventful - almost half was about the ordinance on second hand dealers (pawn shops etc) which there was consensus on, so I'm not sure why there was so much talking.

It’s Gonna Snow, Really This Time. Watch out for Tickets!

We've dumped gallons of salt brine on streets and it hasn't been needed til today. Watch out for a snow emergency to be called and make sure you park on the correct side of the street!

Why Doesn’t the City Hire Women in Leadership?

People of Color and People with Disabilities get hired - wages not so great. Women, not so good - in both getting hired and wages.

Occupy: Oh, the Needles! The Hazards!

This is probably, personally, one of the most offensive comments that I have heard about Occupy. And the reason is, that in my...

Mysterious Meeting tonight

Ok, I'm presenting at it, its for the County Board Supervisors and Alders, but I can't seem to find it anywhere.

Legal Obstacles to County Board Exercising It’s Authority.

The most offensive thing about this memo is that it was written 5 days before the meeting, yet not shared with the public or the lead sponsor. With staff like this . . . who needs political enemies.

What the City Council is Talking About Tonight

September 18, 2012 Common Council Meeting Proposed Consent Agenda Exclusions

City’s Affordable Housing Plan?

Hmmm . . . its been 1 year and 6 months that the current mayor and alders have been in office and what has happened with affordable housing so far . . . here's an even worse plan.

Grinch Award.

To Dane County . . . check out this wonderful work.

Day Shelter Updates

Week 17 update and upcoming volunteer appreciation event. 2 weeks left and then . . .