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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Policies for the Capital Budget

Ever wonder what is in the capital budget and why . . . here's a start.

Operating Budget – Public Health

A joint meeting of the Board of Estimates for the City and the Personnel and Finance Committee for the county - except the later does not have quorum. The meeting is to approve the Dane County and City of Madison Public Health Department Budget. Read on, you can read the rant about the "hobos"!

5 more changes to the alleged City Week Ahead

4 yesterday, 5 today, that would be what, a C or D if we were giving them a grade based on how well they are doing. Or maybe it should just be an incomplete.

Psssst . . . County Board (non?) Elections Coming Up!

Filing deadline for candidates is January 7th, question is, does anyone in Madison even know? Or care? Only 7 races in of 37 districts.

Final Immigration Task Force Meeting: Sheriff told “No.” Again.

Two nights in a row the sheriff was told that people want him to change his policy. This time, he was on the committee, and tensions were running high. In case you missed it, Alder Bidar-Sielaff said he was "racist" and "sexist" at the council meeting and now he accuses her of acting inappropriately. Like I said, tense.

BREAKING NEWS: Lawsuit Filed Against City on Edgewater

I gotta say, he'd have been a fool not to. Just got off the phone with the person who filed . . .

What’s Going to Happen to the DOA Building Employees?

Will they get run over by the train?

The Chamber of Commerce and their “Presumptive Approval”

Yesterday the Chamber of Commerce put out their press release, stating what they think is "broken" with the development process and noting their recommendations. I'm not sure their main recommendation is all that practical or will get them what they want. Talk about unintended consequences.

More Info on Overture

I missed the meeting where they discussed all this . . . but here's the documents that were discussed. From: Mayor Sent: Thursday, August...

Sickly News Round Up

If you've seen me lately, you may have noticed I"ve been unusually quiet (except for the terrible hacking cough) . . . cuz I pretty much lost my voice and have been sick for the last two weeks.

How Are We Doing with Diversity On Our Committees?

Women, people of color and people with disabilities all are under-represented on our city committees, so says a new report.

Staff Outline of Recommendations to “Improve” the Development Process

Staff did a rushed through presentation of this information, that the Economic Development Committee was first getting to see. They wouldn't hand out copies at the meeting. The committee got a copy this morning, and it will appear in legistar star later this morning. Here's a few comments from the meeting last night, and of course . . .