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Topics related to the city of Madison.

consent agenda

Madison City Council: What will they talk about tonight?

Here you go - everything will be on the consent agenda except the following and items where people register to speak or if an alder pulls something off the list.

New Police Chief Shon Barnes blows off Public Safety Review Committee

Ok - that headline might be a little unfair, but I'm a little irritated. Probably not at the new chief, but those advising him.
city committee agendas

Madison City Week Ahead 2/1/21

Several committees getting introduced to the new police chief and the council meets this week.
city committee agendas

Madison City Week Ahead 1/25/21

Body camera public input sesssion, finance and plan commission, co-op ordinance, land banking policy and more.

Tiny House Villages Update

I've been a bit delinquent in blogging the past few months because I've been busy helping build a tiny house village.  Check it out!
consent agenda

Madison City Council: What will the discuss tonight? 1/19/21

Here's what was sent and it's likely to change - multiple times - before the meeting tonight.
city committee agendas

Madison Week Ahead 1/19/21

Common Council meetings this week along with Police Oversight Exec Committee, Body Worn Cameras and more . . .
city committee agendas

City Week Ahead 1/11/21

This week, please click on the agenda to find out how to attend the virtual meetings.  I think we have the hang of this now!

Madison City Council 2021-2023 Candidates

Here's the list of who filed by the deadline according to the clerks office.  2 uncontested seats for school board and 1 uncontested judge race.
consent agenda

Madison City Council: What will they talk about tonight?

There were multiple updates this afternoon, I hope this is the final one!!!  But it can always change at the meeting when people show up to speak or a member fo the council pulls something off the agenda.

Police Department Report on Tear Gas

This also wasn't originally on the agenda and came out late yesterday.  (4:11 p.m.)

Late Breaking Important Addition to Council Agenda

Violence is bad.  Council President Sheri Carter and Alder Paul Skidmore have added this item under suspension of the rules.