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Topics related to the city of Madison.

East Side – Lights Out!

Ok, Eastsiders!! It may be a little dark in your 'hood tonight. Be careful! From: Dettmann, Dan Sent: Monday, August 01, 2011 2:07 PM To:...

The Week Ahead

Reminder, they often add meetings to this throughout the week, so you should really check back with the Weekly Meeting Schedule, which is the closest to the official schedule that you can find on the internet. The official notices are hung outside the clerk's office.

Tenants Have Rights in Foreclosure!

Hmmm . . . I didn't have much/anything to do with this, but its good info to know!

Not In the News Round Up

Well, since I haven't taken the time to read the news, this is what I'm guessing is not in the news . . . either way, items of interest.

Central Library Plans for Moving

Here's the details of the move.

First Community Conversation about the Budget

Was more about how to improve the conversation, and not much of a conversation.

Board of Estimates Recap

Why we do so many reclasses, a new Finance Director and Overture employee payouts for sick leave . . . with bk comments.

Unions and Community Services, Together!

Wow, this is a first!

Steve’s Liquor – What does the City Owe Them?

Or Dane County, for that matter. From the council meeting the last week. With a little follow up and some bk comments.

Care about Poverty? Three Important Meetings You Should Not Miss

So much political activism necessary . . . I hope some folks can step up and attend some of these events in the next two weeks and get involved in these important initiatives!

Back to Work Week Ahead

My blogging is about to get really crappy as TRC is about to get really, really busy for the next three months and we have the least amount of staff we have had in probably 10 years.

The City’s Secret Committee

This has been bugging me for a while, my (kinda) open records request was also denied, but the real issue is that the business community has a member on the committee, but the neighborhoods don't. And I think they are in violation of the open meetings law. Thanks to Joe Tarr for his article and reminding me to look into this again. I'll share the little info I do have.