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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Anti-Democracy County Board Members

A few members of the county board have been openly discussing their disdain for the public and the message is getting through loud and clear for me. This year's budget has been the worst! I don't know why they are so opposed to public input, but its kinda disgusting.

Mayor’s latest thinking on furloughs – not if, but when.

The mayor's statement from earlier today. She hopes to decide by next week.

Neighborhoods Not Allowed to Talk to Developers?

Alright, leave it to the near east side to get embroiled in a big misunderstanding based on personalities and political agendas and a whole lot of mistrust.

Tuesday Morning Round Up

Trying to keep up with the round up this week!

Madison 4th Safest City in the U.S!

You'd never know it the way we talk around here. Here's the FACTS about downtown crime.

City in August Week Ahead

Whoa, this is a ton of meetings for August . . . when committees routinely take the month off.

I’m horrified . . .how did this happen?

I don't know how I missed this, but there is so much going on . . . but this is horrendous . . .

Downtown Ride the Drive Coming Up!

I post this mostly as a warning to my neighbors . . .
Ride the Drive – Downtown A Festival on Wheels!
June 3, 2012 10a.m. – 3p.m.
what will the council talk about

What will the council talk about tonight?

The council meeting started 2 minutes ago, hopefully I finish this before they end their meeting!

Edgewater Ramping Up Round Up

More new information flowing out of the city and the latest marching orders from Hammes Company.CITY ATTORNEY MEMOPALOOZAThis document has several memos from the...

City, County and Schools Week Ahead

4 city meetings, 1 county, 0 Schools

Whoville and Eugene SLEEPS

Also in Eugene, is something that will look more familiar to Madison . . .