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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Bill White’s Magic Development Memo

Wow, this is just kind of funny now. Bill called me the next morning, then sent me the memo and encouraged me to share it. Here's the bombshell mystery document and my responses to it.

TGIF Round Up

A full week of round up, computers are all fixed, I have access to all my notes and pictures again. All is good....

DRAFT Marquette Neighborhood Response to “Broken” Development Process

Here's their initial responses. They are still taking input until tomorrow at noon, so if you live in the neighborhood and have some thing to add, please do! Info on how, below.

What’s Wrong with this Picture?

This notice went out yesterday, can you count the things that are wrong with it?

The Alleged City Week Ahead

Watch out, they're sure to add important meetings throughout the week.

Add 5 More Meetings . . . or 6?

One is even today.

Central Library and Budget Meetings

Get these in your calendar if you're interested!

Konkel Ethics Letter Success!

A few Edgewater incidents and the Mayor's bike trip in Europe have inspired the City Ethics Board to start making changes to their ethics law. Many of you know I sent an open letter to the Ethics Board about the state of ethics in the City of Madison. And, I got some results!

MCAD/201 Reject Nearly All the Council Amendments

Here are the amendments again, with the responses from MCAD/201 on the Overture proposals. Of course, the council will have to first discuss if they are amending the alternate, or the alternate, alternate. And likely, few of these will pass with the responses from MCAD/201. I'm beginning to think they won't have 11 votes for anything. And we'll be doing a repeat on the 14th.

Holidays Round Up

Ok, enough slacking, back to work!

Consent Agenda for Tonight

Edgewater, edgewater and edgewater related items. Plus, redistricting to be discussed.

Sidewalk Snow Removal Deadline Extended

Til Friday at noon. We had ours done by noon today, as did many of our neighbors. The streets tho, wow . . .there's just a path plowed down the middle still.