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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Why Does the County Resist the Simplest of Issues

Laundry and showers could be put in the Warming Center with relative ease and low cost. Fire safety issues also need to be addressed. And isn't the county embarrassed about the porta-potty location? I don't understand their bizarre resistance to making people's lives just the slightest little itty bit better. Instead, they do and say the goofiest of things.

$169,889.20 in bad news for affordable housing and democracy

Why are the realtors spending 10.5 times more money in City of Madison Common Council races than the potential alders are?

Walker Administration Refuses to Open Capitol Basement

From Chris Taylor . . . no surprises, Walker doesn't want the homeless using the Capitol basement.

School Board Forums – The Isthmus, Sustain Dane and Ex-Mayor Dave Redefine “Fairness”

It is Board of Education candidate forum season and everyone is getting into the act (full list at the bottom).  That includes Sustain Dane...

City Week Ahead

Judge Doyle Square Legal issues (in closed session), Archipeligo Village (11 Story building on E Wash), PFAS committee, SSM Health building, Task Force on Structure of City Government to make recommendations, Housing Strategy committee actually meeting! and once again, no agenda for the Police Policy & Procedure Review Committee . . . and more.

What are city lobbyists up to these days?

Quite frankly, it's quite hard to tell. It's quite the mess and there is more information missing than available. There is very little information about who paid whom and how much to lobby for which matters.

Bad Way to Start a Race for Alder

By completely forgetting an entire neighborhood . . .
round up

Round Up May 19 – 24!

Not much over the holiday weekend, but several things from the end of last week.
wait on police chief hire

Madison Police Chief hire should wait

The City of Madison Government public participation process is for all intents and purposes shut down, now is not the time to move forward with the police chief hire.

New Overture Center Director

Here's the hype.

Original vs. Alternate F-35 Resolution

So what's the difference? The West Side Alders essentially inputted the Chamber of Commerce talking points and then didn't say they "oppose" but request the Air Force to take the many pages of adverse impact into account.  Mayor ducks and covers.  Here's what we know about who is voting how!

Edgewater Responds to City Attorney

Well, the kinda did. Sort of.