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Topics related to the city of Madison.

SB107 Won’t Create Jobs, Just More Work

At the Tenant Resource Center today, we will be watching the State Assembly hearing today while trying to do our other work. We're just waiting for the hundredth shoe to drop, so we can start updating all our written materials

Council Operating Budget Live, Part II

Ok, questions of staff and then to the now 19 amendments.

Snow Plowing Update

Can't deny it any longer, winter is here. But looks like it won't last long. No need to move your cars.

What did Will Say?

In the middle of the press conference the other day, I got distracted by something Will said . . .

More Things Going on Around Town . . .

There was a lot, lot more . . . might have to do this again tomorrow!

Board of Estimates Recap – Without Budget

Live blogged - only 4 members present to start.

Another Listening Session

Another listening session with neighbors of Lake View Hill tonight to discuss the occupation . . . lots of finger pointing and anger - but now that it is over, will people show up?

City and County Week Ahead

Another short week . . .

Suffer til we build housing?

Really Mayor Paul? You're killing me.

Things Going On Around Town

A whole bunch more . . .

Comments on City Fair Housing Issues

Thursday night the CDBG Commission will be finishing their work on this study and are looking for your comments . . . here are mine!

City Week Ahead

Well, part of it . . expect 5 - 9 other meeting to be added throughout the week.