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I’m Speechless

This is one of the hardest posts I ever had to write and to add insult to injury, I completed it and then lost a bunch of work. So I'm just now getting around to trying to post something about what happened last Tuesday. I still can't believe a government could just pick up and relocate a group of people to a remote location out of sight and out of mind and . . . oh, nevermind. The irony of this happening at Thanksgiving just gives me images of what we did to Native Americans early in our country's history . . . I thought we had learned from that, but I guess not.

Mayor Capital Budget Press Conference

Ok, so, here's where the campaign promises get kept or broken . . . do you see what I see? (A picture says 1,000 words)

Elizabeth Coppola in the 21st!

Elizabeth Coppola In the 21st! Our public schools depend on it! Broken deals, petulant behavior, single-minded focus on an extreme social...

Scott Walker Slaps Down Blaska

In case you have not heard, Scott Walker's campaign manager, Michael Grebe,  is suing the Madison School District.    Well, Grebe could not sue the...
Round Up

Round Up and Mo’ Meetings

Here's a smattering of random announcements and the changes to the weekly schedule since yesterday - 5 extra meetings that weren't listed Monday morning.

City Week Ahead

Items of interest this week: Disciplinary matter for Visions Alcohol License, Equitable Development report, historic preservation plan and ordinance, city use of pesticides and herbicides, capital square cafes, plastic straws and Mifflandia neighborhood plan.

Agency Capital Budget Requests

So, Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway will be revealing her first Capital Budget tomorrow. Here's a quick look at what the agencies requested, their memos and priorities. Tomorrow we can compare and see what got in, what didn't and what our new Mayor added as her priorities.

Tony Galli

UGGG. We all know that Scott Walker is in trouble. His poll numbers are tanking. His absolute love of cronyism at...

Equal Opportunities Ideas about Ending Housing Discrimination

Yesterday I blogged about the city report on the Impediments to Fair Housing and the Housing Strategy Committee strategies. Today, lets take a look at the City Equal Opportunities Report from June that has its own policy recommendations. Will this get us closer to ending racism and all the other ism's in housing in Madison?

Election Day Voter’s Guide – Common Council (Finished, For Now)

Brenda's picks, websites, endorsements, election night parties and more . . . for those of you who are going to call or text or email me and ask me what to do, here you go!

Affordable Housing Action Alliance Ideas on Affordable Housing

Last week I blogged about the Impediments to Fair Housing Report and the recommendations in that report as well as the Equal Opportunities Commission Housing Report recommendations. Those were more focused on fair housing. Today, the Affordable Housing Action Alliance recommendations on what needs to be done

Catching Up with the Task Force on Government Structure

I video recorded the last meetings of the Task Force on Government Structure and their two subcommittees on Boards Committees and Commission and the subcommittee on the Common Council. Both subcommittees reported back to the main committee and have written reports on their identification of which issues they think should be looked at and what alternatives they might have. So I've included those reports as well. The subcommittees meet again today and tomorrow to continue their work.