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Round Up

Round Up

A few things of interest going on around Madison beyond the City, County and School Board meetings this week.

Candidates Solutions for Affordable Housing

The Affordable Housing Action Alliance was formed in 1998 and has been working on Affordable Housing issues ever since. It's a small group of dedicated people trying to move the needle. They recently asked the the Mayor and alder candidates 6 questions and school board candidates 2 questions - here are the answers! (Note: Many chose not to answer, including Soglin.) Just how important is affordable housing to the candidates - beyond the campaign . . .

City Week Ahead

Very full week ahead.

TRC: Iron Chef Battle Is On!

14 chefs are furiously cooking at home right now, preparing tasty treats just for you tonight!!!

Absurd Affordable Housing Market!

I am NOT picking on Porchlight! Seriously. But check this out - this is the "affordable housing" market we are working with . . .

Who’s Getting Endorsements this Spring?

Many organizations hedged their bets and didn't endorse in the primaries, but some did. Here's the score!

City Week Ahead

Task Force on the Structure on City Government is starting to talk about their recommendations, a meeting on snow emergency zones downtown, the Water Utility having a meeting on Well 15 and more.

Downtown Ride the Drive Coming Up!

I post this mostly as a warning to my neighbors . . .
Ride the Drive – Downtown A Festival on Wheels!
June 3, 2012 10a.m. – 3p.m.

Items Council Members Want to Talk About Tonight

Everything else on the agenda (see items of interest here) will be passed with the recommendation unless someone shows up to talk about it or its a public hearing or a council member pulls it off at the last minute.

City’s Version of Rain/Flooding Updates

Yesterday I gave you the "nothing to see here" county version. Here's the City's report. Seems like they could just get together and do one report, but I guess not.  City warns of flash flooding and not to park cars on the streets in low lying areas.

The (Public Schools) Profit Motive

We have brought you the story before that the current round of "education reform" is a myth, that its just a ruse to try...

Public Hearing on Bus Route Changes Next Wednesday

On Wednesday, April 24, Metro Transit and the City of Madison Transportation Commission will hold a public hearing at 6 p.m. to discuss potential service updates proposed to go into effect in August.