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Topics related to the city of Madison.

More Things Going on Around Town . . .

There was a lot, lot more . . . might have to do this again tomorrow!

Board of Estimates Recap – Without Budget

Live blogged - only 4 members present to start.

Another Listening Session

Another listening session with neighbors of Lake View Hill tonight to discuss the occupation . . . lots of finger pointing and anger - but now that it is over, will people show up?

City and County Week Ahead

Another short week . . .

Suffer til we build housing?

Really Mayor Paul? You're killing me.

Things Going On Around Town

A whole bunch more . . .

Comments on City Fair Housing Issues

Thursday night the CDBG Commission will be finishing their work on this study and are looking for your comments . . . here are mine!

City Week Ahead

Well, part of it . . expect 5 - 9 other meeting to be added throughout the week.

Explaining the Consent Agenda

Ever wonder what that funny motion is that the alders make that has a bunch of numbers in it and you can't follow along? Well, I'll try to explain using tonight as an example.

Economic Development Commission’s Timeline to “Fix” Development Process

Here's their plan. Note what is missing. The special meetings will be from 5 - 9. June 16* ...

Blaska’s Baffoonery

From yesterday's post, two items. Taxicabs and RTA.

Long Council Night Hangover Round Up

I didn't get home til 1:15, and I didn't go to the bar after the meeting! . . . so I have a lot of blogging to do today, luckily I'm. working 10 hours on Saturday, so I have a few hours to burn this morning. Here's the news I find of interest from the last day.