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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Media Fail: EIS on F-35s is a decision making tool, not a decision

Reading local headlines one would be led to believe that the EIS was some sort of determination that Madison is still the number one choice for F-35s.  That is not what an EIS is . . .

Tony Galli – updated

We brought the recent story of WKOW, and their employee Tony Galli, making the Bradley Foundation's day and attacking a local elementary art teacher....

Wisconsin Professional Police Association Endorses Vicky

Recently the Wisconsin Professional Police Association Endorsed Vicky Selkowe "In a crowded field of outstanding candidates, Vicky Selkowe's experience and expertise are second-to-none," said WPPA...

101 Ways the City of Madison Would Be Different . . .

If I were Mayor . . .

Staff Revolt at Madison City Channel?

As the Madison City Channel ad hoc group is getting ready to make their final recommendations, the staff dropped a little bomb shell on...

Immigration Common Council Recap (Part I)

There was a lot on the agenda, only one issue that was discussed.

Trapping in Dane County Parks: Action Needed Tonight

A letter and call to action for tonight - trapping in county parks?

City of Madison Alder Pre-Primary Campaign Finance Reports

They are only required in districts 3, 12, 13 and 15. Here's what they show!

Supervisors and Alders raise concerns about UW “Smart” Restart (Updated)

Dane County moved "Forward" and cases spiked, now the UW is going to do a "Smart Restart" with likely similar results. Fancy well branded names can't fool science.

The Tree Butchers are Coming!

Is MG&E coming to V your tree? Will your lovely street trees get hacked this year and will you be stuck looking at V trees? Or will the trees be completely removed? Here's the list of the "lucky" folks who will get their street trees butchered by MG&E this year.

New Mayor and Council City Week Ahead

Change is coming, will it be all that we want it to be?

Last Chance to speak to County Human Services Budget (Part II)

Who knows what amendments might come up tonight or at the county board, you need to be psychic in order to testify on the county budget apparently. They will tell you after you testify, if they let you, what they will be voting on, maybe.