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Topics related to the city of Madison.

County Week Ahead

Relatively few meetings . . .

Overture Deal Close . . . .

but not yet . . .

Neighborhood Issue Resolved?

Well, the developer is once again communicating with the neighborhood and the meeting will go on. Here's the details.

Turning our tech dreams into reality: how do we know what to buy?

The city is buying some technology upgrades for Madison Metro. We can come up with cool things it should do all day long, but if we don't think about how to write the RFP, it won't matter. What can we learn from other cities?

Overture – Version 5

Well . . . I was there, but I'm not sure I understood the explanation about how this is different . . . and the strike out and underline version wasn't available to the public, and it wasn't complete anyways.
city committee agendas

City of Madison Week Ahead 1/13/20

Highlights for this week include Public Market Financing Update, Truman Olson Update, Urban Design (Exact Sciences, LaFollette H.S, & Children's Museum, ALRC (Visions, Garver, Canopy) and the future of golf.

What Will Happen at 800 E Washington?

In case you missed this over the holidays . . . Mayor Soglin Announces Request for Proposals for Don Miller Site Highlights East Washington Avenue Development...
mayor's meeting schedule

City of Madison Mayor’s Schedule Week of 3/9/20

Meetings with County Executive Joe Parisi, a couple area mayors, the new school superintendent, non-profit staff meeting, MG&E, several community individuals and staff.

101 Ways the City of Madison Would Be Different . . .

If I were Mayor . . .

Work is Kicking My Butt

Sorry, I'll return to regular blogging by Wednesday, maybe even tomorrow . . . I've hired some temp people to help out and it...

Common Council Recap

A day late, sorry. For all the talk about how the city council meetings go sooooo long, when is the last time one went past 10:00? Last night it was 1 hour and 16 minutes according to the video.
round up

Round Up – Monday, 11/11/19

Snow plowing updates, F-35 updates, Judge Doyle Square neighborhood meeting, upcoming events and neighborhood meetings and more!