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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Explaining the Consent Agenda

Ever wonder what that funny motion is that the alders make that has a bunch of numbers in it and you can't follow along? Well, I'll try to explain using tonight as an example.

Economic Development Commission’s Timeline to “Fix” Development Process

Here's their plan. Note what is missing. The special meetings will be from 5 - 9. June 16* ...

Blaska’s Baffoonery

From yesterday's post, two items. Taxicabs and RTA.

Long Council Night Hangover Round Up

I didn't get home til 1:15, and I didn't go to the bar after the meeting! . . . so I have a lot of blogging to do today, luckily I'm. working 10 hours on Saturday, so I have a few hours to burn this morning. Here's the news I find of interest from the last day.

Election Night Parties!

Sitting home tonight so you can stay riveted to the internet to find out the results as quickly as possible? Will you be...

Back to Work (City) Week Ahead

Back at it! As the calendar rolls into December and election season officially starts! I wonder how many meetings get added this week because they got lost in the shuffle during the short week last week.

Two Overture Meetings Tomorrow

Council Workgroup and Overture Development Corporation.

Overture Parties Approve Deal Unanimously

All three Overture Boards (201 State, Overture Development Corporation and MCAD) unanimously approved the Overture deal, version 5. Dear Colleagues, I have just come from a...

Who’s Filed for County Executive?

Officially, no one has the paperwork in to be on the ballot. And, there are five people who have filed paperwork aren't who you think they are. The one with the most paperwork filed isn't a name you've seen in the news.

End of Grusome Week Round Up

Two intense board meetings, a couple grants and generally just too much work to do, means the blog got a little neglected this week. Not sure its going to get better any time soon. Special thanks to co-foorwardlookout blogger Erik Paulson for filling in with the EDC meeting and the James Madison Park Committee meeting (see post later today).

Random Round Up

Lots of things in my inbox to share . . .

Unrepresented Employees would like to negotiate . . .

If ever there was a question about if public employees had enough protections under the law, without being in a union . . . here's an answer for you . . .