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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Bed Bugs!

Just a new fact of life? Or is there something you can do? WARNING: Reading this may make you itch or creep you out!

Gosh the County Can Be Rude!

Is it just me? Or is this lack of responses kinda stunning. How do you resolve a conflict when one party is simply ignoring the other . . .
city committee agendas

Madison City Week Ahead

Busy last week of the month. And . . . I updated the Konkel Round Up and intend to keep it updated as work slows down a bit.

Additions to the Weekly Schedule

This is annoying. There have been TEN, (nah make that TWELVE) additions to the weekly schedule this morning in 5 (now 7) hours.

What’s So Scary About a Train?

"What's so scary about a train?" That question deserves to be asked seriously because within the answer lies the path forward for those who want to see rail transportation projects of all types survive and thrive in Wisconsin.

Cars vs. Street Sweeping: Details Matter!

The age old dilemma, how do you get the downtown streets taken care of, when there are so many cars in the way? Apparently, not with the cities new "no parking 8 - noon on XXXX" policy." They will ticket, but STILL not sweeping the streets. I'm annoyed, only because with some attention to detail, the policy could have been done right and it could work for downtown. All pictures in this blog taken yesterday.

Tent City #3, Seattle

This is the last of the villages/encampments we visited out west.

Policies for the Capital Budget

Ever wonder what is in the capital budget and why . . . here's a start.
2021 operating budget

Filling Madison’s $30M budget hole for 2021 starts now?

They're not going to fill a $30M shortfall by not ordering paper and pens.  And we'll be paying for some pretty expensive curb painters and grass cutters. 

Absurd! Housing Market!

OK - LET ME MAKE THIS CLEAR, THIS IS NOT A RIP ON PORCHLIGHT, just an indication of the extreme difficulty in finding housing.
city committee agendas

Madison City Week Ahead 8/21/23

Lots of meetings for late August when many committees take a break and most of them have agendas!

Who is the People’s Attorney?

Attorney's argue. They raise points to protect their clients. So, when the city attorney feeds us something, do we just swallow it whole? Or could the media or someone else stand up and question that opinion? Where is the people's attorney?