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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Budget Games

Which City Departments Stuck with their Budgets?

Every year there are "year end adjustments" to the City budget.  And they spend the last of the "contingent reserve" which is usually a little over $1M that they set aside for unbudgeted emergencies.  Lets see who went over budget this year and why . . . (psst, police ($1M) and fire ($2M) get more money as per usual)

Random Round Up

Slightly unorganized and random . . . but of interest.

What the Council Will Talk About Tonight

Unless you show up and speak to something, of course, no guarantee they will talk about it, but it won't be passed in one big amendment and it will give them pause to think for a moment.

Konkel Ethics Letter Success!

A few Edgewater incidents and the Mayor's bike trip in Europe have inspired the City Ethics Board to start making changes to their ethics law. Many of you know I sent an open letter to the Ethics Board about the state of ethics in the City of Madison. And, I got some results!

Petition Away!

After a full year of the City of Madison blocking electronic petitions, the signatures should start going through today! Yay! Unfortunately, how we got here was a little ugly

Madison adds highest percent of police of WI cities

A new report out shows in the past 10 years (2008-2018) Madison added 10.6% more officers, the highest in the state.

Wisconsin Professional Police Association Endorses Vicky

Recently the Wisconsin Professional Police Association Endorsed Vicky Selkowe "In a crowded field of outstanding candidates, Vicky Selkowe's experience and expertise are second-to-none," said WPPA...

Benches have to be removed, but not . . .

Check this out, in the hallway, leading up to the clerks office there is this . . . and it was there last week too.
city committee agendas

Madison City Week Ahead 7/31/23

Oh my goodness, its August!  Council meets this week and several other committees humming along, 5 missing agendas.

More Meetings That Didn’t Make It In by Monday Morning

I don't know why its so hard, but there is a definite patter to which staff care enough to get their stuff in and those who don't. I don't always follow up - but PSRC and Board of Assessors are frequent offenders.

Committee Adds Several Contingencies to Supporting Gebhardt/Metcalfe Proposal

The committee voted unanimously to support the staff reocmmendation of the GEbhardt/Metcalfe Proposal for 800 East Washington, but not before adding a bunch of instructions for staff in their negotiations with the developer.

Where is the City’s Affordable Housing? Or . . . Rental Housing?

So, I have some staff people who are themselves looking for housing, and they are coming back and telling me new horror stories every day. The statistics are there to show things are bad . . . but in looking around, here's what I found.