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Topics related to the city of Madison.

The All-We-Can-Talk-about-is-the-Packers City Week Ahead

When I'm posting this, I don't know if they won or lost yet, but either way, we'll be talking about them all week, I"m sure.

Unrepresented Employees would like to negotiate . . .

If ever there was a question about if public employees had enough protections under the law, without being in a union . . . here's an answer for you . . .

Alders Comments on Redistricting

Several alders sent out notices about redistricting meetings coming up and a few of the east side alders added some of their own comments...

City/County Consider their Protest Sign Policy

Who knew the City-County Liaison committee could be so interesting, and man, did this meeting make me miss Ben Masel!

700 & 800 Block E Washington Meeting

What's going on with the proposals on the 700 and 800 blocks of East Washington Avenue/Don Miller properties . . . here's the latest...

What Council Thinks They will Discuss tonight

Here's the items the council members want to discuss. The public may add items to the list by showing up and speaking and then the council may or may not discuss.

City Week Ahead – 28 or 29 meetings

I had technical difficulties yesterday as I was out of town and had internet connections issues . . . so sorry its late. However, I did do it in its entirety since it Monday was already done.

James Madison Park Houses

I haven't had time to watch the plan commission yet, but I understand it was all full of wonderful comments from my dear alder . . . meanwhile, here's a bit of info.

Short, Mayorless Board of Estimates Meeting

Short but sweet.

Personnel Board Doesn’t Approve Common Council Policy Analyst Position

And, apparently, no one say it coming.

Need Leaf Mulch?

Get Mulched!

Soglin Fighting for One-Way Johnson and Gorham

Over neighborhood objections.