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Topics related to the city of Madison.

County Week Ahead

Sorry so late, no pressure to get it done before going to work . . . TRC closes when schools do

Am I Worthy? Am I from Madison?

Wow, I said Soglin has gone nuts - now is he just lying? This Mayoral hatred of the homeless is getting really bizarre

Follow up – Making it Hard To Go To Rehab

.6 BAC . . . should be an automatic ticket to rehab, but its harder than you would think.

1 Hour City Council Recap

At the end of the meeting, which only started 2 minutes late, someone called the Mayor 7:30 Soglin. Question is, will this short meeting trend continue? Or will the council find something to talk about?

Amendments to Tree Lane Security Proposal

An alternate proposal (Tree Lane Alternate) that the council will be considering tonight lowers the amount of money to be spent and replaces security with 24/7 staff at the front desk.

Worst Reporting Ever?

Or . . ..

Next steps in complaint against Alder Paul Skidmore

City attorney wrote a memo outlining what the council's next steps are in responding to the complaint against Alder Paul Skidmore.

Armed Security Guards in Madison Public Housing?

On Thursday, CDA will consider authorizing armed security guards in Madison's Public Housing.  Would you want armed security guards roaming the hallways of your home?

No Worries, There’s Plenty of Children’s Programming for the Summer!

Says the police department. ?! Chalk this up as one of the odder things I've seen.

Overture Discussion at CCOC

Also, live blogged. Heavy skepticism about the city's role.

What the Council Will Discuss Tonight (Amended)

At the moment, here's the issues alders want to speak about.

Now the Mayor Considers Homeless “friends and neighbors”?

Get me a bucket. This press release does have some additional helpful information for dealing with the cold weather particularly about transfer point buses and the library hours. But really, does he think we don't all know what he really thinks about homeless people? Does he think we've forgotten everything he's tried to do? And he expects us to suddenly think he's being cooperative with . . . .well, anyone? Election year antics.