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Topics related to the city of Madison.

wviction moratorium

Eviction Ban Updates from Legal Action of Wisconsin

FAQs and a video on the Eviction ban that was declared by the Governor on March 27th and goes through May 26th, unless extended.

Immigration as a Moral Issue – Day Two

Slowly catching up on everything, here is day two of this series - Leila Pine and Ramona Natera discuss immigration issues and the laws.

New Community Development Director

I like Jim, but this seems like an odd choice.

Who Will Replace Scott McDonell on the County Board?

Special election coming up . . . if interested, its a short timeline to get papers and run a race for the April Elections.

Crane and Wolf Hunt in Wisconsin

Ribeye in the sky? Should we be hunting endangered species? Speak up tonight.

No ID Necessary to Vote, But Necessary for Food Pantry?

I find it interesting that people are outraged that they would need an ID to vote and worried about people being disenfranchised, but find it completely necessary to have an ID in order to give people food to feed their families and so they don't go hungry.

What Will the Council Talk About Tonight?

Items people show up to talk about and . . .

1st & Last Pitch for Shared Open Spaces by Mary Jo Walters

First and LAST PITCH for SHARED OPEN SPACES in highly commercial areas of downtown Madison, Wisconsin.
map of street closures

Street Closures: “We shouldn’t waste a good crisis”

The mayor said "we shouldn't waste a good crisis" and here it is in action.  Does anyone actually we believe we have to close streets to protect the safety of residents so bikes and pedestrians can social distance? 

Common Council Executive Committee Recap

Short half hour meeting. Vision Zero, Transportation Studies, Independent Monitor, Recommendations on Government Structure, budget process for next year and more.
mayor's meeting schedule

City of Madison Mayor’s Schedule Week of 2/3/20

Lots of meetings with staff, meetings with former alder Barbara Vedder, Greater Madison Convention and Visitor's Bureau's Deb Archer and transportation, planning, engineering, fianance, sustainability and fire staff.

In the Interest of “Public Safety” . . .

Go ahead, throw out that stuff - ignoring the realities of how the homeless have no place to put their stuff.