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Madison Common Council Elections: Closer than we think

It’s October, and we really should be focused only on November, but let’s take just a few minutes to think about the Madison Common Council elections next spring. The December 1st start of the filing period isn’t that far away, and the people who are serious about running are certainly thinking about it right now, but mostly staying quiet until after November. Here’s a quick rundown on where current Council members might shake out.

Do we need cashiers in the parking ramps?

I didn't even know this was an option, probably a budget saving measure for the Mayor's budget, which he's first handing out instructions next Tuesday. And the staff will have about a month to come up with a budget that is in compliance.
city committee agendas

City of Madison Week Ahead 10/3/21

This is the worst I've ever seen it - 9 missing agendas for scheduled meetings - that we know of . . . there are likely more "mo' meetings" this week!

We need An Apology, Compensation and Report Back!

Homeless Issues Committee Unanimously agreed to ask the police and city officials to apologize to the homeless persons who last all their worldly possession on State St. when the police and parks department broke the law and threw their stuff in a dump truck.

TRC Silent Auction Tonight!

Brink Lounge, 701 East Washington Ave., 5 - 7 pm . . . check out all the goodies and thank the donors!

How to Get Ambulance Fees Waived – If “Poor”

So, I was talking to a friend about her experience taking someone to the hospital because they didn't want to call the ambulance and pay for the fees and I told her (she has been working with poor people for a long time and didn't know) that the fees could be waived. She says no one ever mentioned that to her after all her work with hospitals and low-income people. So, I went to find the info on the website and there was none . . . but there is now! (Thank you Sarah Edgerton! And whomever worked on this in the finance department!)

Strangest Meeting Location Yet . . .

You know how I pick on the city from time to time about silly meeting faux pas . . . well, the county outdid them times 100! Check this out . . .
daily round up

Mon – Wed “Daily” Round Up 9/21-9/23

Late, but still relevant information to be shared. 
mo meetings

Mo’ Meetings!

So, 6 more meeting notices came out at the city today . . . yes, SIX! And I believe, more to come this week.

Mayor Botches His Fundraiser

Seriously . . . two kind of amateur mistakes . . .

Vote Oct 11th!

Just another way Voter ID or the Voter Suppression Act is costing us more money.

Edgewater Round Up

Here's some of the press coverage, plus a few moments I found interesting from my blog, in case you didn't read all the way...