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Topics related to the city of Madison.

John McNamara: On Pre-Payment for Cab Drivers

Guest column by John McNamara on pre-payment of cab fares.

Tenant Resource Center Extra Hours for Moving Days

It's that time of the year, you've seen the moving trucks and extra garbage on the curbs . . . brace yourselves, here it...

Is A Broken Elevator that Big of a Deal?

Yes, it is.

A moment of silence.

We have a lot to think about.

Info On City Council Candidates . . . Part One

I recently looked through all the files, and the clerk's staff asked me why I was doing it . . . what do we get out of it? I'll tell ya!

Volunteer to help Tenants (and Landlords) in need!

Tenant Resource Center is looking for volunteers!

Worker’s Protest (City) Week Ahead

It's hard to focus on anything local or tomorrow's elections with the latest Walker assault on our Wisconsin way of life. But, here it is.

Update from Madison Police?

Where are they getting their information from . . . the Assembly is voting today . . . around noon possibly. And, it...

Neighborhood Assoc.’s: Allied-Dunn’s Marsh/Dunn’s Marsh NA Seeks Help

Join them on the Square Saturday at 3pm.

A Sign of Things to Come

Sorry, no more services for the poor and people in need.

Spring Bike Fair

Want something less political this weekend, on May Day, this might be it.

More Capitol B.S. -Only Public Hearing on Redistricting Wednesday 10am

Short notice. check. Limited public input. check. Public likely to be ignored. check. Angry and pissed off Wisconsinite....