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Sorry - light blogging week - busy with work. SB179 is currently kicking my ass. Nothing but work - tons of blogging...

You’re banned!

Ok, I asked for information on the collective community ban . . . and got a whole lot more than I expected.

It’s Friday, Before a Holiday Weekend, So . . .

How about some new information about the Edgewater issue to be decided on Tuesday.

Guide to the $250M Human Services Budget

This is the "social workers guide" to the human services budget, with bk comments to make it easier for those who do not work in human services. Remember, this is what was submitted by the department, we will hear how County Executive Joe Parisi makes changes to this the first week in October.

Far East Side Neighborhood Walk

Neighborhood Walk , June 17th at 7 pm - Heistand Park

Occupy Responds to Parisi’s Offer

They are suggesting we should move to Token Creek Park Campground. Here is our response.

Ugly Picture for Funding for Local Non-Profits

At the last public hearing on the budget, the Mayor seemed confused by non-profits coming forward saying they were getting cut by 20 and 30%. He said we'd be held harmless this year. Too bad he's not paying better attention. Here's a taste of who is getting cut at the moment . . . Community Services Commission meets tonight to decide who might get additional funding. When we have 17% of our population in the City of Madison living in poverty, this is ugly, ugly news.

Most Important Thing This Week Not On Week Ahead Schedule

Here's this week's schedule, but the most important thing to do to decide the future of our city is to vote tomorrow!

Vision Zero: Madison’s plan to reduce traffic crashes, fatalities and injuries

All 20 alders have signed on, the plan is moving forward, but is this what we need to reduce crashes - and injuries and deaths?  Will it be enough?

Capital Budget Presentations – Monona Terrace

Someone says "uh-oh" . .. lets see!

Madison’s Men’s Shelter Vote Tonight

By all accounts, the vote is very, very close.  People are predicting they only have 14 of 15 needed votes.

Which of the 75 proposals ($2.5M) got the $200,000

That was a committee with a tough decision to make! And Shiva Bidar-Sielaff volunteered to be there!