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Topics related to the city of Madison.

The Late (City) Week Ahead (In Progress)

Slowly catching up on everything . . . very . . . slowly . . .

Christopher Richter: Why I’m Upset

Some thoughts about what is going on in Wisconsin.

Comprehensive Plan Amendments: Track One

This item is a list of potential non-controversial changes to correct errors or omissions or to include things that were approved in other plans. They would prepare the amendments if this list is approved.

Board of Estimates Recap

A little short, but at least I'm back to paying attention to city business AND my keyboard works which makes blogging much, much easier! Yay!

Plan Commission Live Blog (of sorts): Bethel Church

Now that I have a keyboard that I can rely on, I feel comfortable doing this semi-live, you'll have to live with the typos. First item of interest for me was the Bethel Lutheran Church Informal Presentation.

Various Labor Panel Discussions

I don't have the video done from the event at the Orpheum yet, but here some more labor panel discussions.

East Side Cancer Causing Chemicals in the Water?

Do you live in the Carpenter-Ridgeway Neighborhood? The Eken Park Neighborhood? The Emerson East Neighborhood? If Yes, then your kitchen tap water probably has a tiny bit of the 'likely' cancer-causing chemical PERC in it.

Zoning Code Rewrite, Comprehensive Plan Review and Development Process Revamp

It's all going on and coming to a close in the next month or two . . . so if its important to you, your last chances are coming up. I wonder if this political climate will tip these discussions, or if our local bigger businesses will continue with their favored status vs normal citizens who live in the City of Madison?

The Return of the City Week Ahead

Yeah, its back . . . after a three week break.

Tomorrow Noon: Responding to the ENTIRE Walker Agenda

In the first mass rally organized to respond to the entire Walker agenda . . . WE ARE WISCONSIN! RALLY Saturday, March 5th ~ Noon to...

Can they really hold Senators in Contempt?

Here's a legal opinion saying why they can't . . .

Crazy 20 days: Wis Labor Protests

This is day 20 of my video taping the current events. The last 24 hours were clearly the craziest. Twice I was told I was risking arrest during the last two weeks, but nothing happened either time, and in the end, justice prevailed, for now . . . here's what happened in the last few hours.