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Topics related to the city of Madison.

I’m feeling the Council was Lied to

Something isn't adding up. And I think the homeless people at Occupy are the victims of a some cruel games that were played at the council meeting the other night.

Partial City Week ahead

Last week of the summer . . . already? Wow.

Stand Up or Stand Aside?

New Madison Metro military recruiting ads . . .

County Economic Development Funds Available

$35,000 per job, they have enough money for 20 jobs.

13 days and Counting . . .

Occupy Madison has been asked to leave Token Creek Campground by February 17th and there is no legal place to go. No plans to move because we are out of options. Where should people go?

Council Agenda for This Evening

Still catching up from yesterday morning . . .

6 more changes to the city week ahead

This makes 11 that were noticed, plus a few amended agendas as well. More than 1/3 of the agendas for the week.

The Meetings they are a changing . . .

The city committee schedule is hard to keep up with, 7 changes in the last 48 hours, for the next 48 hours. ...

Hispanic Family Attacked

Wow, this kind of makes you stop and think . . . http://host.madison.com/ct/news/local/crime_and_courts/article_80f94600-6da0-11df-bd37-001cc4c03286.html How long did it take for someone to call the police? ...

Council Recap

Honoring resolutions, liquor licenses, committee appointments, Biolink TIF requirements removed and the City-County tax collection dispute with a goofy Pham-Remmele/Mayor exchange and [BK comments].

John McNamara: On Pre-Payment for Cab Drivers

Guest column by John McNamara on pre-payment of cab fares.

Tenant Resource Center Extra Hours for Moving Days

It's that time of the year, you've seen the moving trucks and extra garbage on the curbs . . . brace yourselves, here it...