City Week Ahead – 10/26/20
4th week of the month so fewer meetings, but Finance Operating Budget meeting and special Plan Commission meeting this week, plus Council meets (no agenda) but it should be for replacement of Alder Donna Moreland who resigned.
What will the council speak about tonight?
Here's the "consent agenda" for this evening - it can always change if an alder pulls something off the agenda at the last minute or if folks register to speak.
Ending Temporary Encampment and Kicking People Out of the Parks
Everyone agrees, sleeping outside in a tent in Wisconsin winter is unacceptable. But if you have no where else to go, no legal place to sleep . . . what are you supposed to do?
Madison City Week Ahead 10/12/20
There were at least 5 missing agendas this week - but . . . sorry this is late, slightly distracted.
New Occupy Madison Tiny House Project!
Well - the roll out of this didn't go as planned - but here we are and this is what I know! The last week has been a whirlwind!
What will the council talk about tonight?
It's been amended twice, but hopefully this is the correct info at this point in time!
Proposed process for hearing regarding Alder Paul Skidmore’s derogatory comment
Tonight's council discussion on the "it rhymes with blunt" comment should be interesting to watch.
City Week Ahead October 5, 2020
Council meeting, special Common Council Committee of the whole (no mayor) meeting with no agenda and lots of committee meetings.
Round Up 9/26 – 30
FAIL! Again - over a week behind on the updates . . . for a good reason you will all hear about soon.
UW Student Government vote of “no confidence” in UW Police Department
Interesting list of demands and resolution - looks like the students are taking on what many would like to see the council do.
Next steps in complaint against Alder Paul Skidmore
City attorney wrote a memo outlining what the council's next steps are in responding to the complaint against Alder Paul Skidmore.
Week of 9/28/20
Dylan Brogan rants about reducing the size of the council! How about 100 alders? and more . . . go Dylan go!