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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Public Hearing on Bus Route Changes Next Wednesday

On Wednesday, April 24, Metro Transit and the City of Madison Transportation Commission will hold a public hearing at 6 p.m. to discuss potential service updates proposed to go into effect in August.

Anti-Democracy Full Speed Ahead!

Even if you don't care about the 50+ tenant landlord law changes in AB183 (22 tenants rights at the state level and 25 or more at the local level), you should care about the sham that the Assembly Republicans, Realtors Association and Madison Area Apartment Association are making out of our democracy. Bill passed in 15 days or less?

City Week Ahead

Running late but here it is!!! (Look for Mo' Meetings later this week . . . again)

Mayor’s Office War on the Homeless, Part III

Ok - so that list of police calls in Part II was a little bogus and over-exaggerated, but there were some real issues in there. Yesterday, two gems of emails came out from the Mayor's office. Here's the latest on the Mayor's office campaign to rid themselves of the homeless in the building

Elections Matter!

When Judge Colas ruled that parts of ACT 10 were Unconstitutional, the Governor was quick to personally attack Judge Colas but never once mentioned...

Another Victim

Governor Scott Walker and his Wisconsin legislative cronies have claimed another victim in their war on the locally owned "Mom and Pop" store! ...

Day 2 Snow Emergency – Cars Will Be Towed

Here's the list for tonight of places they say cars will be towed - avoid the expensive ticket!

City Wide Parking Changes Coming!

If you don't like moving your car for alternate side parking in the winter in Madison, or if you are confused by all the snow emergency parking restrictions, you might want to read this. Changes are coming!

Snow Plowing Update

Yeah. Seriously.

Tuesday dose of Additional Meetings

Apparently, its too hard to get this information to the clerk's office by Friday . . . grrrr . . . the usual suspects. Everyone else seems able to notice their meetings on time, more or less. 5 more meetings out of 18 means that they only published 72% of the schedule on Friday.

Homeless Funding in Evers Budget

I went through the plan to see what Governor Evers saying he'd fully fund the recommendation of the Interagency Council on Homelessness really means. Here's what I found. This is no longer a report, its an actual action plan!

Latest Library Design Revealed Tonight

In case you have nothing better to do tonight . . . . I'm not sure how to cover Overture, the Emerald Ash Borer...