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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Soglin Explains His 25% Number

I just had to ask, and he answered.

Occupy will Move by December 9th if . . .

Another long day yesterday, but probably one of the most significant things that the group decided is that they can move by the second Sunday in December if . . .

Response to County’s “Offer” Regarding Token Creek

Not much of an "offer" . . .

County Budget Process

The county has a much more extensive process for the public to participate in, but in many ways, it is much harder as you don't have copies of the amendments they are considering and you can't plan for their schedule if you are interested in something.

Some Beaches Closed

I don't really know anyone that swims in the lakes, but you might, or your pets might, and any contact could be nasty.

The Only 11 Meetings City Week Ahead

Yeah, right. Looks like it will be a busy week updating the following, cuz you know there isn't really only 11 meetings this week. This really sucks.

Changes to City and County Schedules

6 new meetings for the City and a goofed agenda and extra meeting at the County. The City has managed to only get out 81% of the agenda again - at least that's how the math works out at this point.

State Journal Blows It!

What? Try again!

Upcoming Spring Elections

I still haven't decided if I'm running for alder, mayor or just working the media angle for this spring . . . With the...

Non-news Round Up

Here's a whole bunch of things going on in the community that I don't have a news link to . . . cuz they haven't happened yet . . . you can maybe read the news about them later . . .

City Capital Budget: Amendments 1 & 2

More than half the amendments went quickly, until the Edgewater reared its ugly head . . . and the mayor got cranky.

Jessica King: Greyhound Bus Move

A letter from a concerned citizen . . .