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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Overture Update!

Ok, its not that exciting. Transitioning . . .

What’s with this Larry Guy?

And is anyone going to miss Katherine Plominski? Apparently not, they're leaving her position open for a while instead of filling it. ...

Today’s Shitty Housing News

Wait years to get into affordable housing in the City of Madison.

Landmarks Staff Report on the Edgewater

The full report is here. More info here. The important part is below.Part 7: Staff RecommendationThis report describes each of the project’s components...

Your Joke of a City Week Ahead Agendas

These are the items that they want you to know about . . . so check back on the Weekly Schedule to find out what they sneak in later . . .

Support Marijuana Referendum Tonight!

In our liberal, allegedly progressive community, this should be a no-brainer, right? Think again, questions about if they should ask the voters what they think have been raised. Gasp! Ask the voters what they think?

Union Corners Update

From Alder Marsha Rummel . . . what exactly is going on with that pile of rubble at Union Corners? And new plans for the site.
consent agenda

Madison City Council: What will they talk about tonight?

Not much - except Reindahl, officially.  You know its always more than indicated on the consent agenda.

Benford Endorses Wegleitner

Since some members of the press kept trying to make a story out of Progressive Dane's wonderful dilemma of having too many candidates who want to run - I thought people might find this of interest.
council oppose F-35s

Will Madison City Council oppose F-35s tonight?

The Common Council asked the Airforce to reconsider Truax "until and unless the findings of the EIS are shown to misrepresent the significant environmental impacts to those living, working, and visiting the north and east sides of Madison"  The EIS is out, not much has changed, will the Council oppose the beddown of the F-35s tonight?

City Bond Ratings “Return to Stable Outlook”

I believe Madison has enjoyed a Aaa Bond rating as long as I've been paying attention - 25+ years.  Here's the latest for city, sewer, water and CDA.
city committee agendas

City of Madison Week Ahead 10/3/21

This is the worst I've ever seen it - 9 missing agendas for scheduled meetings - that we know of . . . there are likely more "mo' meetings" this week!