Sights and Sounds from Day Three, Political Rallies
I'll keep posting video here as it comes in. Here's what I have at the moment from the WYOU family and friends. Monday, 1,000 people, video here. Tuesday, 10,000 people, video here. Wednesday over 30,000, video below. And today . . . expect more as the UW schools walk out, over 35 area schools closed, Madison holding a rally and special council meeting tonight. Senate votes today. Talking to many of the "old timers", no one has ever seen anything like this.
Sights and Sounds from Day Two, Political Rallies (More Updates)
REPOSTED DUE TO MAJOR UPDATES: Ok, vote first, then make your way to the Capitol or the Orpheum. Here's some bits and pieces and I'll add the video as I get it done.
How Walker’s Proposal Affects (City of) Madison Employees
From a memo from City Attorney Michael May.
About those predictions . . .
How'd I do?
So, did you vote?
Was there a pathetic turn out yesterday? Do the results mean anything?
Go Vote!
Election Day votes and predictions.
Changing Four Laws to make B-Cycle Legal
You knew it was coming. 4 laws "Thus far" need to be changed. The bikes aren't allowed where they want to put them, the signs don't comply with the sign code, a charter ordinance is needed to advertise in the Right of Way and something about the permit process. You can't make this stuff up.
Mayor: Give City Employees Latitude on the Rallies and Organizing
Be flexible and understanding but follow the law and contracts.
How Will W’s Budget Repair Bill Impact the City of Madison?
Here's a brief run down, the staff will be further briefed at 10 am this morning at a Division and Department Heads meeting room 354 in the City-County Building.
Mayor Calls Emergency Council Meeting
Yeah, more shameless political pandering in an election year. Eyeroll.
Video from Today’s Labor Rally at Wisconsin’s Capitol (More Video Added)
Adventures in video, with Brenda . . . it's not terrible.
Policy on Undergrounding Utility Wires in a Flash!
Board of Estimates today, Board of Public Works Wednesday and probably approved by council a week from tomorrow. So, if you're interested in how much you pay and how and when and why, you might want to read this.