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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Madison Police Status Report on 177 Ad Hoc Committee Recommendations

Today the Madison Police Department report on the 177 Ad Hoc Committee Recommendations was supposed to be on the agenda for acceptance by the council, but its not.

County Week Ahead

Sorry so late, no pressure to get it done before going to work . . . TRC closes when schools do

What will the Council Talk About Tonight?

According to the consent agenda, only one thing . . . I bet that's not right.

Takin’ Sides on Immigration

Blaska announced on Friday he is taking sides. He attempts to define "the other side", so lets take a peak. What side would you choose?

We Have No Money.

I recently talked to an alder who said every conversation with the new Mayor starts off with "we have no money." Here's why.

F35s: What Actually Passed the Council?

So I'm skipping 3/4 of the meeting and jumping to the council discussion, motions and voting. What happened after we all went to bed? Check to see what your alder did, or didn't, have to say!

Rhythm & Booms Bad for the Environment

I'm not an environmentalist activist or well versed in the issues - but this one seems kinda obvious. I'm surprised we had to spend so much time (and money) getting studies done.

Wednesday/Thursday Round Up

Here ya go! Enjoy!

Hmmm, City digs itself a hole.

Yeah, watch them scramble over the discriminatory bar policies they "support" but did not encourage. This is one of the goofier email strings I've been openly given, without request, since I've been off the council

Bed Bugs!

Just a new fact of life? Or is there something you can do? WARNING: Reading this may make you itch or creep you out!

Why Doesn’t the City Hire Women in Leadership?

People of Color and People with Disabilities get hired - wages not so great. Women, not so good - in both getting hired and wages.
Round Up

Round Up!

Random things you might be interested in, mostly related to local government and the City of Madison.  Many additional government meetings.