Give $300K to Trek to Rent Bikes in Madison Parks?
Wait, we're going to pay Trek $100,000 for three years so they can make money renting bikes in our parks?
a. This is money...
Paul Soglin: Three Changes
I asked the Mayoral candidates, "If you're elected Mayor, name three things that will be different about Madison this time next year as a result?"
Zach Brandon: “Radical” Idea Number 3
Build Meaningful Relationships with Human Services Providers
District 18: Candidates Top Issues
District 18, on the northside has a primary election on February 15th. Candidates Steve Coleman, Peng Her and Anita Weier share their thoughts. Watch throughout the week for the rest of the primary races in 1, 8, 10 and 13.
Know Your Candidates: District 18
Steven Coleman, Peng Her and Anita Weier running. This race had a strong contrast in style and presentation of the candidates as well as experience.
Jessica King: Greyhound Bus Move
A letter from a concerned citizen . . .
Spring Referendum on Corporate Personhood and Money as Speech
Are Corporation People? Is money speech? You get to vote on it!
Consent Agenda for Tonight
Edgewater, edgewater and edgewater related items. Plus, redistricting to be discussed.
MLK Weekend Round Up
Short week, lots to do . . . City Council meeting, County Board meeting, Mayoral and County Executive debates . . . among other things.
MLK (City) Week Ahead
Short week again . . .
Snow Removal Reminder: Clear Sidewalks by Noon Today
From the City of Madison:
The snow that started to fall on Friday, January 14, 2011 continued into Saturday morning. All snow and ice shall...
And the Killer of the RTA Enabling Legislation Will Be…
I just got back from a meeting hosted by the Wisconsin Urban and Rural Transit Association downtown. The event featured an impressive array of...