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Topics related to the city of Madison.

A Word from ACLU on Protesting

ACLU of WI Legal Observers Protect Right to Assemble and Speak

How to Get Boots to a Homeless Person

I have to say, as angry as I can get at most local politicians for burying their heads in the sand when it comes to homelessness, I am 100 times more proud of those ordinary people who find it unacceptable and are doing something about it . . . check out this one little example from yesterday.

City Employees make recommendations in response to protests

Professional and Supervisory employees call for police accountability, oppose the jail and more.

Psssst . . . County Board (non?) Elections Coming Up!

Filing deadline for candidates is January 7th, question is, does anyone in Madison even know? Or care? Only 7 races in of 37 districts.

East Isthmus Planning Council Update

Wow, big changes in the works. Volunteers needed!
city committee agendas

Madison Week Ahead 4/26/21

Finance Committee, Plan Commission, Urban Design and more this week.

Late breaking items for tomorrow’s Madison City Council Meeting

4 items have been added to the Madison Common Council agenda for tomorrow - just barely under the wire to meet open meetings laws.

After the Cold Leaves, Flooding Returns?

Temperatures are going to rise, and rain is possibly in the forecast for this weekend . . . so we have a new problem . . .

Pssst . . . Mayor Dave . . .

Please take me off your campaign list.

City Week Ahead

December . . . things will start tapering off as we get closer to the holidays, but we still have a full week this week.

Moving the Steensland House

Neighborhood meeting Wednesday. . . .
city committee agendas

Madison City Week Ahead 10/16/23

Council meets this week, 5 cancelled meetings, 5 missing agendas (or more)