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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Changes to Madison’s Bike Registration Program?

TPPB will consider if the program should be repealed or if Madison's bike registration program will enhance outreach and enforcement.  Or will it just continue as is?

The Voucher Scam!

The truth of school Vouchers is slowly starting to come out and its not pretty. While Scott Walker, Robin Vos, et...

More Changes to the City Week Ahead

Sigh . . .

More Indignities – Head Lice and the Homeless

Who will help them? As far as I can tell - no one . . . except a couple volunteers from a community group not funded by the city or a staff member from a church.

City Week Ahead

Sorry I'm late this morning - I had 20+ hours of candidate interviews over the weekend! Gotta say . . . I'm kinda impressed . . . looking forward to this new council (and hopefully new mayor). This week doesn't have any showstoppers - but lots and lots of meetings, you'll have to take a look.

The Alleged City Week Ahead

Watch out, they're sure to add important meetings throughout the week.

County Week Ahead

Budget deliberations begin . . .

WTF Part II – Imagine my surprise . . .

When I saw this at the MUNICIPAL building! Not the city-county building, but the one across the street.

The City’s Secret Committee

This has been bugging me for a while, my (kinda) open records request was also denied, but the real issue is that the business community has a member on the committee, but the neighborhoods don't. And I think they are in violation of the open meetings law. Thanks to Joe Tarr for his article and reminding me to look into this again. I'll share the little info I do have.

TGIF Round Up

Another week over . . . and so much left to do . . . . lots going on last night, look for blogs over the weekend as I catch up . . . meanwhile, here's what the news covered, and a little more . . .

City Week Ahead

Summer is over, capital budget comes out Tuesday, time to get serious again! 23 meetings packed into 3 days, including a council meeting where they choose the affordable housing for Judge Doyle Square plus committees will be discussing Mifflandia Neighborhood Plan, Urban Forestry report, Dog Parks, PFAS, library fines, Affordable Housing fund applications and plans for the Public Market.

Allied Drive: Breakin’ the Law!

No, not the tenants, the landlords. And this time, they went BIG again!