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Round Up

Round Up!

Random things you might be interested in, mostly related to local government and the City of Madison.  Many additional government meetings.

City Week Ahead

New Alders getting edumacated!
round up

Round Up – Friday & Saturday 4/3 & 4/4

Elections, Council and homeless services updates; Water main flushing, bike updates and more.

Who Owns the City Council?

Chamber of Commerce $12,425 in Spring Campaigns so far . . . no surprises who their candidates are - this council is essentially controlled by them.
city committee agendas

Madison Week Ahead 4/26/21

Finance Committee, Plan Commission, Urban Design and more this week.

CDA again attempts to raid Affordable Housing Trust Fund

Three years ago, I attempted to make some changes to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund (nice, they've changed history and removed my name entirely) to allow more use of the $4M that is in the fund. The Mayor opposed those changes. Michael Schumacher removed my name and introduced it last January and still, the changes went no where . . . until now, when the CDA again wants to bend the rules to get the money. $1M of the $4M to create no new units and make current housing less affordable.
mo meetings

Mo’ Meetings!

Sigh . . . today they added 4 meetings. And cancelled one?

City Week Ahead

Here it is . . .

Alders Comments on Redistricting

Several alders sent out notices about redistricting meetings coming up and a few of the east side alders added some of their own comments...

Rain, Rain, Rain, Tuesday Morning Round Up

I'm not complaining, its good for the plants.

Plan Commission Discusses Development Process “Improvements”

The EDC report was the subject of plan commission discussion previously and they did a report back to the Economic Development Committee, but Julia Kerr's new comments from Monday night are specifically are worth noting.
city committee agendas

Madison City Week Ahead 6/21/21

Seems like not a lot of meetings this week - but there will be decisions at finance on spending the ARP federal funds