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Topics related to the city of Madison.

A Homeless Bill of Rights

Written by a homeless man I know, not sure what he intended to do with it, but I thought it was worth sharing - its simple and clear.

Silly County Games

I go to a parks commission meeting and ask three questions, the chair of the committee, thanks me for coming, tells the staff to respond and when they respond, who do they send the response to . . . hint: anyone but me.

Homeless Mortality Rates 3 to 9 times Greater than Housed Persons

Yesterday morning, I called the coroners office to confirm the death of a homeless person, for which I only had a first name. He experienced problems outside of Shelter 1, on his way to Shelter 2 or 3 for the evening. 911 was called, staff performed CPR and he died at the hospital. An autopsy will be done to determine the cause of death.

John Norquist to Speak at Capital Neighborhoods Annual Meeting

Capitol Neighborhoods presents speaker John Norquist at Annual Meeting

Nothing "Brief" about this TIF Briefing for the Council! (Part I)

4.5 hours, the first half talking about TIF, the second half a long winded sales pitch by Bob Dunn.Who showed up: Bridget Maniaci, Lauren...

Union Corners Update

This is from Marsha Rummel and its actually about a week old, but still good info.

Tenant Resource Center Gains New Board of Directors in Historic Election

This press release was sent out at 6am this morning, but I don't think one single reporter called.  I don't know what to make of that.  I guess its not sexy enough, not like when someone gets fired.

Snow . . . plowing might be on hold

They may just plow and salt the main street . . . .

Occupy Madison Voices

Powerful. Listen to what they have to say. You may be surprised. I think the Council was. At least, it got their attention for a change.

County Economic Development Funds Available

$35,000 per job, they have enough money for 20 jobs.

Volunteers Needed!

For several things I'm involved in, check it out!

2 Demolitions for Large Project on Planned Parenthood Site

Their old site, on 400 W Mifflin . . . the heart of Miffland . . .