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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Cars vs. Street Sweeping: Details Matter!

The age old dilemma, how do you get the downtown streets taken care of, when there are so many cars in the way? Apparently, not with the cities new "no parking 8 - noon on XXXX" policy." They will ticket, but STILL not sweeping the streets. I'm annoyed, only because with some attention to detail, the policy could have been done right and it could work for downtown. All pictures in this blog taken yesterday.

In Defense of the Council

I find the Mayor's comments about the Council Overture discussion absolutely offensive. I am not a big fan of this council for many reasons, but this media campaign to blame them is just unfair and dishonest.

Overture! 3:15 am, still Committee of the Whole

My computer crashed on me around 3:15, so I took the rest of the half hour or so of notes by hand. These are the motions that were made after they went around the room and took their straw vote of sorts. The alders start getting a little testy at this point.

Overture! 1:15am Committee of the Whole

More live blogging.

Overture! 12:30am, and now, Questions of Staff . . .

Live blogging, part 4, 7 hours and still going . . .

Overture! More Questions of Speakers!

Yup, still live blogging, still more questions of speakers.

Overture! Questions of Speakers

More live blog . . .its 8:45 . . .

Overture! Public Comment & Ad Hoc Committee Report

Live blogged.

Revised Alternate, Alternate on Overture

I really don't know what to call these things anymore, but this is the Schmidt/Bidar-Sielaff and now Rummel proposal for tonight, revised.

What the Council Plans to Disuss Tonight

These are the only issues unless someone registers on another item or an alder decides they have something to add . . .

MCAD/201 State: Sorry Council, No Delay

You must decide on Overture tonight, not two weeks from now.

Rally Against Overture Privatization

Tonight! 5:30! This is a slight re-write of an action alert on how you can help. I can hardly wait to see which...