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Topics related to the city of Madison.

CCB (Salt, ‘cides, tape, bike racks) and City-County Consolidations

This is a new blogging format for me. I'm attempting to do less verbatim, yet capturing the meetings for those interested and more analysis and comment.

The City’s Economic Dashboard

The city staff spends some time gathering information for this 90 page document, so what can be learned from it? Some interesting stuff...

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Day Events Coming Up

From the King Coaltion . . . plus additional events.

15 Capital Budget Amendments

Its been so quiet, I"m surprised there are this many amendments. Is anyone paying attention? Board of Estimates will be discussing tonight.

I Know, Poverty Sucks

I don't ever really talk about these things, but I really do know how badly poverty sucks, and I was kind of lucky because it was rural poor, not city poor.

Madison is “Open for Business!”

Yeah, that was proclaimed loud and clear by a local Downtown Business Leader at the Plan Commission. No, not before Walker was elected, but just last night.

Live Blog of the Common Council Meeting, Part V (Final)

5:00 am . . . and I'm not kidding its getting light out.VERVEER NOISE/HVAC MOTIONHe reads a long motion, explains that they have had...

City, Including Libraries Closed W & Th

City, including the libraries (formerly serving as warming shelters) are closed Wednesday and Thursday. Check mymetrobus.com for bus schedules.

Council Recap, Part I of III

Everything except the alcohol issues . . . sorry its late, but there were 26 pages of notes and I went out for a beer after the meeting . . . that's what you get for free! But you won't find it anywhere else . . . this is what didn't make the news. There's some interesting issues that were discussed for a change.

MG&E’s Poor Judgement

I don't know, this sounds like really bad judgement. And the fact they weren't trying to fix the problem is awful. Business interests vs. safety.

Did Anything Happen Yesterday Besides the President’s Visit Round Up

Four city meetings cancelled, but most not til yesterday, but they still had the Library Meeting, the Overture Meeting and the Emerald Ash Borer...
city committee agendas

Madison City Week Ahead 1/25/21

Body camera public input sesssion, finance and plan commission, co-op ordinance, land banking policy and more.