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5 more changes to the alleged City Week Ahead

4 yesterday, 5 today, that would be what, a C or D if we were giving them a grade based on how well they are doing. Or maybe it should just be an incomplete.


Until at least the week of July 19th. What to do? Well, not quite mulchless according to this email you can get yours today!....
city committee agendas

Madison City Week Ahead 5/2/22

Only 10 meetings this week and 7 of them have agendas!  Council meeting re-scheduled due to Eid al-Fitr.

COUNTY???? Week Ahead!

Ok, I should really start trying to do this again . . . with spring elections county board elections coming up . . . people should know what is going on, even if the mainstream news doesn't cover it.

Renters in WI Struggling . . .

166,090 renters and 6,525 homeless people in Wisconsin are barely hanging on. How much more will this increase with Walker's assault on Wisconsin? Check out these numbers:

Snow, no snow emergency

Again, downtown, don't plan on getting our streets plowed to the curb . . . making the streets narrower and parking options less.

Wanna Be CDA Director?

Someone has to, it'd be great if it was someone good! I've tried to convince a couple good people to apply - they...

How Will the New Zoning Code Affect Where You Live?

Check out the maps to find out . . . then attend a meeting to give your feedback.

Thursday Morning Round Up

Here's what I found of interest from that last 24 hours or so.

Cut Food Stamps?

Action Alert from the Wisconsin Council of Churches. This drives me nuts, this is the one benefit that people down on their luck can apply for and get and get quickly. Unlike medical care, disability, housing assistance, child care assistance, etc.

What is the Dane County doing to clean up PFAS at the County Airport?

Here's what the County Attorney had to say to the Lakes and Watershed Commission last Thursday.  They have complied with all the DNR requests.  But can they do more?
city committee agendas

Madison City Week Ahead 3/8/21

Finance committee has a full ageinda tonight, plan commission has a lighter agenda, Urban Design, Police & Fire Commisssion, Public Safety Review Committee and Executive Committee of Civilian Oversight Board all meet this week.