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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Mark Pocan To Fitzgerald Brothers . . .

The State Legislature over the past few months has been transformed into a vindictive and malicious institution with severe repercussions. March 16, 2010 HAND DELIVERED Senate...

Absurd Fiscal Note on Government Reform

I hope the $3M price tag assigned to the Task Force on Government Structure Report  doesn't prevent the easy and doable things from happening, and soon!  

Budget Amendents For Council Next Week (Final)

17 capital budget amendments, 17 operating amendments and one attachment. Here they are and a quick run down of what they mean.

The Mayor’s New Aide

I wonder if he hires anyone that is not a state employee or not from out of state? Not sure what to make of his...

Edgewater Round Up

Here's some of the press coverage, plus a few moments I found interesting from my blog, in case you didn't read all the way...

Reality of the New Tenant Landlord Laws Sinking In

One painful interaction at a time.

County Board Budget Hearing Recap Meeting

Carousel Bayrd running the meeting! Packed house! So, briefly . . . .

New Occupy Madison Tiny House Project!

Well - the roll out of this didn't go as planned - but here we are and this is what I know!  The last week has been a whirlwind!

Work is Kicking My Butt

Sorry, I'll return to regular blogging by Wednesday, maybe even tomorrow . . . I've hired some temp people to help out and it...

Plan Commission Recap

MMSD projects requiring Plan Commission approval if referenda passes and capital view height discussions.  Edgewood, rezoning Truman Olson and 636 W. Wash at 12/9 meeting.
meetings by phone

Madison and Dane County Plans for Government Meetings by Phone

The Common Council will meet on Tuesday and the County Board will meet on Thursday.  They both have plans to pass ordinances allowing them to meet by phone.

County Week Ahead

Budget deliberations begin . . .