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Topics related to the city of Madison.

City of Madison 2nd Quarter Projections: Surplus and No Layoffs

After all the bad news and hand wringing and calls for more federal support, looks like the 2nd quarter projections have the city $2.4M in the clear.
city committee agendas

Madison City Week Ahead 8/10/20

Policing issues discussed at Finance, PFC, PSRC, EOC, Body-worn Cameras committees, operating budget presentations by finance department and more.

Public Safety Review Committee has 28 items on its next agenda

From a sleepy committee that did nothing, to a committee with so many things to talk about it has to form subcommittees and schedule extra meetings . . . late to the game, will it make a difference?

COVID 19 and homelessness, what’s the plan?

So, in this new world we are living in, everything is constantly changing and plans made are reworked as change occurs.  Focusing on the big picture and long term is hard when we don't know what the long term will bring . . . but . . . . there is a train wreck coming.
consent agenda

What will the Madison City Council talk about tonight?

Lots of extra materials and the expected items that will be talked about tonight.

Madison Metro Bus Route Changes for the Fall

There was a 25 minute presentation/discussion at the Transportation Commission on Tuesday, and here is what they decided and what you can expect for changes in August, including when fares might return.
round up

Madison Area Round Up Mon 7/20 – Sun 7/26

All the usual updates of upates and round ups of round up - plus a few extra things thrown in.

With reduced jail populations, do we need a new jail?

Thursday the Health and Human Needs Committee voted in favor of halting the jail, jail populations are down at least 40%, Madison police are arresting less people, we have new leadership on the Criminal Justice Council, can we actually bring our ourselves to create real change in the criminal "justice" system?  Will any of this make real, meaningful change?
city committee agendas

Madison City Week Ahead July 27, 2020

3 cancelled meetings, 4 missing agendas, 6 or 7? meetings on policing matters, development rolls on (Plan meets twice, UDC & Jt. Campus meets) and more!

No Confidence Vote in Chief Wahl by local community members and organizations

The list was literally growing as I was typing this blog post . . . so expect many more to sign on.
consent agenda

What will Madison City Council talk about tonight?

Well, this is what the email says . . . it may change before or at the meeting!  Half the agenda has new recommendations for action by the council.

City Housing and Homelessness COVID-19 Response and Recovery Draft Strategies

What should the city be doing for housing and homelessness in recovery from COVID-19?  Input needed Thursday for how to spend millions of COVID-19 funds.