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daily round up

Thursday (9/17/20) and Friday (9/18/20) Round Up

Was a really busy end of the week, but here's what I have!

Complaint against Alder Paul Skidmore asking for censure and resignation

Here is a copy of the complaint against Alder Paul Skidmore with a great explanation of why he should resign.
daily round up

Wednesday 9/16/20 Round Up

News round up and commentary, Dane County be a good landlord, Green Party side of the story and more.

What penalties could Alder Paul Skidmore be facing?

The city attorney Michael Haas opines.  Apparently a complaint has been filed in the clerk's office.

Madison’s current thinking on implementing “mental health ambulances”

Last night at the Public Safety Review Committee we heard a report from the Fire Department on their research and recommendations/thoughts.
daily round up

Daily Round Up – Tuesday, September 15th

Local government news, brush collection, International Day of Peace, 414 E Washington Ave project and MMSD referenda propaganda.
consent agenda

Madison: What will the Council talk about tonight? 9/15/20

Here's the "consent agenda" meaning all items on the agenda pass in one motion with the following exceptions and changes.

Week of 9/14/20

The nearly didn't happen week ahead with WORT . . . thank you Jonah!

MPD costs to pepper spray and tear gas protesters over 3 days = $$18,619

I don't feel the response to my open records request from June was satisfactory, but near as I can tell, it cost at least that much!
daily round up

Monday, 9/14/20 Daily Round Up

DNR news on drinking water and PFAS, music as economic recovery and the local government news rundown.

Madison Police Department had big increase in “no knock”/”high risk” warrants in 2019

At the end of June I asked for a list of "no knock" warrants for the past 5 years, Friday I got the request back.

Which departments were aiding Madison during the May 31-June 2 initial protests?

You'd think the answer would have been forthcoming sooner than this, but I finally, 3 months later, got the answer.