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Topics related to the city of Madison.

$200,000 for $2.5M of Need in Our Community

75 proposals ($2.5M) came in for the Emerging Opportunities Program that the Council approved $200,000 for. Here is what the staff is recommending. Committee meetings tomorrow night. Yeah, no needs here!

City of Madison, New Protected Classes!

That's right, landlords, employers, places that provide public accommodations and public facilities can no longer discriminate based on . . . gender identity, genetic identity, citizenship status and victims of domestic abuse, sexual assault or stalking . . . and more.

Free Camping in Dane County Parks!!!

I must have missed the resolution, but it appears that there is now free camping in Dane County Parks - perhaps its just a little celebration of Earth Day?

City Week Ahead

34 meetings, 2 without agendas, 3 cancelled and I'm sure several changes throughout the week.  Meetings at inaccessible times like 3pm, 10am, 11am, 3:30pm,...

Right to Dream Too

It's a little awkward to think you know anything about a place by visiting for an hour, but here's some of my observations about the Right to Dream Too homeless "rest area" in downtown Portland, right at the entrance to the Chinatown area of the city - it was just a few blocks from our hotel.
Round Up

Round Up – Monday 9/16/19

There are so many things to put in a round up . . . so I'm going to start taking this in smaller bits and including even more info . . . let's see how this goes!

Capitol Lockdown: New Rules for Today

Today's events of note I know of . . . 12:00 - Arts WI marches to the capitol from the Concourse 1:00 - Trial Resumes 5:00 - Funeral March from Bascom Hill 5:30 - Rally at State St. Side. Now, the rules.

Occupy Madison Voices

Powerful. Listen to what they have to say. You may be surprised. I think the Council was. At least, it got their attention for a change.

Madison Water Utility Board Comment on F-35s

Air National Guard base is major source of PFAs contamination. Um, not acceptable. Clean up needed.

Gas-Powered Lawnmower Rebate?

The city is considering a rebate program for gas-powered lawn mowers, similar to the toilet rebate program. It's still in development, so if you have ideas, now is the time to speak up! The Committee on the Environment will be discussing Monday at 4:30.

Dignity Village

This is the oldest/longest running of the villages.

Whoville and Eugene SLEEPS

Also in Eugene, is something that will look more familiar to Madison . . .