United for Funding Statement on City Budget (Updated)
The coalition of city and county funded non-profits had this to say about the operating budget amendment for tonight. While $137K would have solved the whole problem, $50K goes a long ways . . . but still, watch for cuts at some of your favorite agencies and clients who have growing needs and less services.
Round Up! Day Two.
Could this be a trend? Is it back?
Greyhound Moves? Adds Stop?
Adds express service to/from Madison. Not clear if this is an added stop at Kelley's Market on W. Washington or if they are just moving their stop, again . . . . I can hardly wait to see what their "guest services specialist" will do for these bus riders - but hey, there will be wireless, electrical outlets, extra legroom and reserved seats. Maybe they can manage to have ticket sales?
EDC Members Urge Waiting with Development Process “Improvements”
They are concerned about lack of discussion on various important economic development issues and lack of outcry about losing the train by the business...
Round Up Returns!
Tenant Resource Center (TRC) 30th anniversary fundraisers are done, TRC seminars are done, TRC awful budget options are done, Social Justice Center big event to unveil the Nan Cheney Community Room is done . . . now, more time for blogging. The round up returns! (Actually, one more event for TRC, the one year anniversary of our Milwaukee office. December 3rd, 5 - 7, Pabst Brewery.)
The City Budget Week Ahead
They still managed to schedule 21 meetings, even tho they can't scheduled meetings during budget, which is Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday night.
The Social Justice Center Thanks YOU!
Wow, thanks to everyone who made the dedication of the Nan Cheney Community Room such a wonderful event! Check out the video and please help thank everyone who made it happen! No more squeaky chairs!
Tonight, the Social Justice Center Unveils . . .
The Nan Cheney Community Room! Stop by and see the improvements!
Today would be Nan Cheney's 80th birthday, and we're going to celebrate by...
Central Library Update
The next meeting is December 7th . . . here's the Mayor's office spin to the alders, from the spinmeister.
City Property Values Higher Than Expected
By $11M. So even with the Board of Estimate changes, that's an increase of 4.93%, not 4.99% so the council has more room to raise taxes if they are going to stay within the 5% limit the Mayor unilaterally set for them. It should help the county and school board a bit too. Here's the details:
The Council’s Overture Consultant
On Tuesday, the Council had a long discussion on hiring a consultant to review the AMS model for the Overture. They had previous rejected the same proposal. During the meeting there were doubts about the consultant. Here, we finally hear from the consultant.
Tea Party Launches Counteroffensive Against the Train
In response to stories of Governor-Elect Scott Walker's transition team's office being swamped with pro-train calls, conservative e-mail lists have just been blasted with...