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Topics related to the city of Madison.

Budget Amendents For Council Next Week (Final)

17 capital budget amendments, 17 operating amendments and one attachment. Here they are and a quick run down of what they mean.

A Comment, On Comments,

I moderate some of the comments on Forward Lookout, and there are some that do not get through, let's review why . . .

Plan Commission Discusses Development Process “Improvements”

The EDC report was the subject of plan commission discussion previously and they did a report back to the Economic Development Committee, but Julia Kerr's new comments from Monday night are specifically are worth noting.

Capitol Watch: Wisconsin the New Arizona?

The all republican capitol is sure to set the state back centuries . . . so I'm starting a new Capitol Watch feature to point out my outrage of the day. There will be many, I had to choose one for today. Should Wisconsin be the new Arizona when it comes to immigration policy?

Mayor Grabs More Power

In response to questions about how and when the latest committee to look at the houses in James Madison Park was formed and appointed, we get this from the city attorney's office - unlike the past 12 - 15 years that I have been paying attention - now, the Mayor just is making appointments without Council approval. Even when the staff who ordered it doesn't know what I'm talking about.

TODAY: Clean Air Action Day

The City has declared one for today, here's why and what it means: WHAT HAPPENS City Agencies – Please implement your actions plans for tomorrow. PLEASE NOTE:...

New Ethics Rules

Committee, Commission and Board members always had to disclose conflicts of interest and recuse themselves when they had a conflict, but now, there will be a reminder on every agenda. The ethics board recommended this based on my open letter and the council approved it unanimously. Here's the city attorney's instructions.

Scott Walker: Stuck in the 70’s

Scott Walker’s recent letter to Ray LaHood begging to divert high speed rail funding into highway expansions reveals a significant gap in his understanding of transportation policy and technology. Will Wisconsin pay the price for his nostalgic views on transportation?

Maniaci’s Open Records Request

A few random thoughts on Maniaci's recent open records request to "determine who ratted her out to the press", in regards to her health-care...

What Will Be Discussed Tonight at Council?

Here's the items the alders separated to discuss, Thuy has 5 out of 6 and the 6th is for referral:

Plan Commission/Alders Talk about Comprehensive Plan Review

The discussion went on for about an hour . . . and people weren't happy. Mostly, the alders spoke up on behalf of their neighborhoods. Also interesting discussion on how the neighborhood plans and comprehensive plans relate.

Crazy Inappropriate

Sometimes, the good ol' boys give you a gem . . . Tonight, at the James Madison Park Surplus Committee, they elected a new...