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Topics related to the city of Madison.

County Week Ahead

Unlike the city, this one rarely changes - cuz they're still MAILING items out to some committees - can't wait for their version of Legistar so items can be more accessible on-line!!!

Watchdog: 25 years of Muckraking and Rabblerousing

Bill Lueders from the Isthmus shares some of his writings from the past few years . . . catch my interview on his book! Ok,...

Response to County’s “Offer” Regarding Token Creek

Not much of an "offer" . . .

High Speed Rail’s Next Stop: A Public Meeting Near You!

With a little more than a month before Scott Walker takes office and a series of public rallies behind us, the momentum is building...

Madison adds highest percent of police of WI cities

A new report out shows in the past 10 years (2008-2018) Madison added 10.6% more officers, the highest in the state.

Grocery Store Crash and Burn (Updated)

No grocery at 800 E. Wash . . . big empty lot for tents for the homeless? :)

Black Friday No F35s Protest at the Capital

Music and speakers noon - 1, march at 1:00.  Here's the details and other Safe Skies Clean Water updates.
round up

Round Up – Thursday, April 9th

Alder and homeless services updates, housing hotline, Dane County Parks open, any more mayoral orders?, city committees that are allowed to meet, bloopers and more.

Mayor’s Budget Leak Continues

Here's changes coming for City Channel 12, and more stickin' it to the county!

EDC Discusses the “Broken” Process (Illegally?)

Interesting discussion at the Economic Development Committee, sounds like there is some backing off of the bold statements by the Mayor and the timeline. Perhaps some "misinformation". And, the message to the development community is clear, if you want to see changes, you have to show up, don't just send your staff for your various groups, cuz there's no data to support the concerns. And there are more open meetings concerns.

Mayor Grabs More Power

In response to questions about how and when the latest committee to look at the houses in James Madison Park was formed and appointed, we get this from the city attorney's office - unlike the past 12 - 15 years that I have been paying attention - now, the Mayor just is making appointments without Council approval. Even when the staff who ordered it doesn't know what I'm talking about.

Community Services Takes a Hit In City Budget

So much for taking poverty seriously. As needs and expenses go up, agencies are looking at decreases. Again, for the geeks and those from agencies affected . . . and all their clients. The real issue here is that most non-profits will see a 5% decrease in funding