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Topics related to the city of Madison.

More Meetings & Reasons Why Meetings Are Not Noticed Earlier

I started asking the staff who can't get their agendas to the clerk's office by noon on Friday . . . why?

Giggle . . .

Board of Estimates is being moved tonight to 201 . . . so if you were interested in the budget meeting, go across the street because . . . drum roll please . . .

Election Officials Needed!

The City Clerk’s Office needs to fill a total of 1,752 Election Official shifts for November 2 General Election!

More meetings . . . not on the Weekly Agenda on Time.

I've about had it with city staff that can't get their work done by Friday at noon.

Spring Referendum On Corporations Giving Political Contributions

Will there be one?

2010 State of the Downtown

This things sounds like a public meeting, the Mayor will be there, so will George Austin from OvertureWARF/City High Speed Rail Planning and Al Fish from the UW . . . all public officials, but so see them you have to pay . . . $20, does that seem right? Do they really want neighborhood associations to be there, when they have it scheduled during the work day? This thing just seems odd.

Tuesday Morning Round Up

Trying to keep up with the round up this week!

Blogapalooza Fail! Round Up

Uh . . . yeah . . . the nice weather made it so I wasn't going to sit around staring at my computer all weekend . . . so, I didn't catch up on several posts . . . and I may never get to some of them with budgets coming up . . . .

Upcoming Spring Elections

I still haven't decided if I'm running for alder, mayor or just working the media angle for this spring . . . With the...

City Week Ahead

Lookin' in to that budget . . . attempting to figure out what the scant information means . . .

Konkel Ethics Letter Success!

A few Edgewater incidents and the Mayor's bike trip in Europe have inspired the City Ethics Board to start making changes to their ethics law. Many of you know I sent an open letter to the Ethics Board about the state of ethics in the City of Madison. And, I got some results!

Staff Outline of Recommendations to “Improve” the Development Process

Staff did a rushed through presentation of this information, that the Economic Development Committee was first getting to see. They wouldn't hand out copies at the meeting. The committee got a copy this morning, and it will appear in legistar star later this morning. Here's a few comments from the meeting last night, and of course . . .