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Topics related to the city of Madison.

local leaders m.i.a.

Amid Pandemic: City, County and School Board take time off

After meetings this week, neither the City Council nor the County Board will meet until April 21st (3 weeks), School Board not meeting until the 27th (4 weeks)?  Each body will meet only once in April.  The mayor seems to be the only decision maker at the city at this point, with the council rubber stamping decisions. What roles should our alders, supervisors and school board members be playing in this pandemic?  How are they representing us in this crisis?

With reduced jail populations, do we need a new jail?

Thursday the Health and Human Needs Committee voted in favor of halting the jail, jail populations are down at least 40%, Madison police are arresting less people, we have new leadership on the Criminal Justice Council, can we actually bring our ourselves to create real change in the criminal "justice" system?  Will any of this make real, meaningful change?

Election Night Parties! (Updated)

Here's what I know, will update when I know more.

Sundays Community Meeting

Hope to see everyone Sunday, March 27, 3-4:30 Monona Grove High School Commons 4400 Monona Drive, Monona How did we get here? What do we anticipate with the...

Spring is Here! Leaf and Yard Waste Details (No Free Mulch!)

Um, I can still blog the easy stuff like this . . . tho, looks like next week I'll return to blogging more in earnest.

Capital Budget Presentations – Parking Utility

Still from last week Monday, but almost done . . . I hope.

Here We Go . . . 1st Snow Plowing Update of the Year!

Yup . . . its that time of the year again . . .

Madison: Armed Guards in Public Housing on Agenda Tonight

Tonight the City of Madison's CDA (Community Development Authority) will decide if they will continue to have armed security guards patrolling their public housing units.  Why do the security guards need guns?

What’s up with the Blogger Slacker?

Sorry, no post today, here's why . . . .

City Loses Tax Fight with Adams Outdoor Advertising

A cool million or more for the taxpayer to pay . . .

City Week Ahead

Short week, 11 meetings. Except I know there are some missing. CDBG won't publish their agenda because they are waiting to brief the Mayor about who is getting the grant for Homeless Coordinated Intake Services. That meting will be on Thursday at 5:00. Ooops, that's next week, got ahead of myself.
city committee agendas

Madison City Week Ahead 3/20/22

4 cancelled meetings, 4 missing agendas, last council meeting with this round of city council members.  And . . . tax evasion time for businesses!